So you're a new player...

And that's kinda overwhelming, right? Hey, we've all been there! But this guide will help get you ready for your very first game with Alliance LARP Las Vegas

So where do we even begin? Since this is a roleplaying game it's good to have a concept in mind for the type of character you'd like to play. You can model something after an old D&D character, mash-up characters from a book or movie, or even start completely from scratch. It's entirely up to you!

Once you have an idea about what you'd like to play it's important to have a basic knowledge of the rulebook. Don't worry! You don't have to have everything memorized by your first game. But get an idea of the skills you'd like to use and how they work so you know how to play your character. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed by it all, we also have a quick start guide so you'll know the most basic elements that make the game function.

Once you have a character concept and know a bit of the rules, you need somewhere to write all this down! Head over to the character management app (also known as the CMA) and make an account. Under the characters tab you'll be able to add your first character to the books! (You'll get a free re-write within your first few events, so don't worry too much about being stuck with skills you don't like.) Whether you're planning to PC or NPC you'll need a character! NPCs get event credit just like players so we need something to credit it to!

If you're really not sure what you want, there is also a free play version of the CMA. You can play around to your hearts content by resetting the same character, increasing and decreasing XP, changing class, or even looking at future versions of your character.

Well, you have a character so now what do you? Get ready for a game of course! All scheduled events across the network can be seen on the events page of the CMA. Pick the event you plan on attending and click on "Start Pre-registration." Follow the prompts from there and you're one step closer!

Now that we can plan to have you at the game, we just need you to pay. We will accept payment through this website! Just check out our events page!

Once you're ready to come to game, you're going to need a costume! No beginner costume is perfect but there are some good ways to start. With a little creativity you can find some interesting looking pieces from the thrift store to make your character stand out.

When you have your costume you'll need to make sure you can defend yourself! Fighters and rogues might want to get themselves a weapon and casters will need spell packets. The rulebook has examples of how to make weapons and packets but there are also plenty of articles and videos online on how to make our own. You might also consider buying online or from a local craftsman! We recommend shops like B3 and Epic Armory, however we can't pass any weapon for safety until we've checked it in person

The site we currently use has cabins with mattresses so feel free to bring a pillow and a cozy blanket or two to make yourself comfortable. The cabins have heating and swamp coolers so they'll be a good way to get away from the weather if you need a break. Our site also has warm showers so feel free to bring towels and soap as well.

Having a cabin is another great way to get creative with your character. If you find fun little boxes or trinkets you can always put them in your cabin to tell people a little more about your character!

That's pretty much it! All you need to do now is make it to our game. Hope you have fun!

Alliance LARP Las Vegas

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