Kingdom of Gol'dara


Gol’dara is the largest kingdom in the known regions of Desara, both in terms of land under its control as well as population. It stretches along the coast of the Calyssian Sea on the west with its eastern border dragging along the Dulgar Mountains. The Frozen North crests its northmost border, with Jardium to the northeast, and Selucia to the south. It is a plentiful land, boasting wide-open fields fed by large rivers and lakes, right alongside forests that provide wood and plentiful hunting. The main hub of the kingdom revolves around the confluence of the three lesser rivers, Avon, Fluss, and Nehir, into the great river Anatra. This not only feeds their

farmland but also facilitates trade with Selucia and the Dulgar Mountains.

Gol’dara is also one of the most diverse kingdoms, boasting large populations of most races with no clear majority. Because of this diversity, many see Gol’dara as a safe haven from hate and discrimination. This is best exemplified by a large trade city located right at the convergence of the Avon and Fluss Rivers which has changed hands repeatedly over the centuries as different kingdoms vie for control over this vital trade center. Because of this, the city is incredibly diverse and has a strong sense of independence. Under current Gol’dara rule, and for the last eighty years, the city is typically known as the Capitol, though it has been known by several names under its various rulers, including Falcon’s Folly.

Gol’dara is broken into 3 Duchies, with 4-6 baronies within each Duchy. The Southern Duchy, which shares its southern border with Selucia, is ruled by Duchess Manon Leon. There are 4 Baronies under the Duchess: Galloway, Marthain, Tilos, and Violetbury.

The Central Duchy is ruled by Duke Puric Von Hoffman, and is the home of the royal family of Gol’dara. The Capitol is located in the central most barony of Ironcrest, and is surrounded by the baronies of: Satinridge, Ansgate, Brichester,Jadespring, and Midshore.

The Northern Duchy is under the stewardship of Duke Jeremiah Eldenstein. He makes his home in the barony of Keymore, the duchy’s more eastern Barony. Other baronies include Goldcrest, Hayford, and Metamoros on the western coast. Within the barony of Goldcrest, is the town of Goldcrest. This town originated as a small farming town that never drew much attention from the wider world until now.

Over the last 4 years, Goldcrest has attracted a large number of adventurers seeking glory and honor. While mostly level-headed, Culver Cottonwood, Baron of Goldcrest, has played into the silly ideas of these adventurers. Many stories of monsters, dragons, and a folkloric blood cult called The Nethine have come from these adventurers. To their credit, these adventurers helped stop an invasion from Robinsroost in the summer of 822 though they seem to be on the rebelling side of the ongoing civil war. Needless to say, Gol’daran’s overall opinions of Goldcrest are neutral at best.


Gol’dara was founded by dwarves and has retained a dwarven sense of hard work and diligence, though the dwarves have largely left the region. After several conflicts for power, the dust finally settled and the Wülffhart family claimed power. In 125K Gol’dara attempted militaristic expansion, marching on the Varyyyk Forest, and was quickly beaten back by the dryads of the region.

As of 820K, the kingdom was ruled by King Lorin Wülffhart. However, following a cryptic campaign leading the Knights Assembly into the frozen tundras of the north, King Lorin disappeared and is presumed dead. In his absence, the royal advisor, Duke Puric von Hoffmann was tasked with governing the kingdom until the king’s son, Prince Henry “Hal” Wülffhart, came of age and was crowned as king in the fall of 822.

Tragedy struck that fall as Prince Hal was assassinated at his coronation, mere moments after his crowning. This was witnessed by many noble individuals namely Duke Puric Von Hoffman, Duke Jeremiah Eldenstein, Baron Ser Culver Cottonwood, Queen Avocet Yanchild of Robinsroost, and many of the Goldcrest Adventurers.

Tensions are high in Gol’dara as it enters its 4th Civil Conflict. After the assassination of King Henry, Duke Eldenstein assumed his role of regent and Archduke as the rightful next in line for the throne. However, Duke Puric Von Hoffman is contesting this, and is refusing to step down and pledge to Eldenstein. Many in the Central Duchy are backing Von Hoffman, and the Central Duchy is refusing to pay rightful taxes to the Archduke Eldenstein, giving Von Hoffman the resources he needs to wage civil war with the north if he deems it necessary. Von Hoffman sent a contingent of troops to the Barony of Goldcrest in an effort to remove The Goldcrest Council who actively speak out against him.

Allies and Enemies

Gol’dara maintains a tense allegiance or neutrality with the surrounding countries. While hostility was high following Gol’dara’s attempted invasion of Varyyyk, in the several hundred years since little distaste is now found between the two civilizations.

Robinsroost officially holds no animosity towards Gol’dara, though Gol’dara’s colonization of islands in Nefaria has been met with disapproval from Robinsroost. These colonies in Nefaria are still held by Gol’dara, but only just. Talk of dissent among the Nefarian colonies is frequent, and many expect the piracy of Nefaria to soon lay claim to the islands currently held by Gol’dara. In 822 under the leadership of General Wren Yanchild, Robinsroost soldiers marched on Gol’dara with the intent of reclaiming the lands that Queen Avocet withdrew from 80 years prior. When Wren’s plans for conquest were thwarted, Queen Avocet once again took control and withdrew her troops and proceeded to try and make reparations,

despite Robinsroost being stretched to the absolute limits. With Gol’dara

currently in chaos, she cannot pledge allyship for fear of bringing another

war upon her weakened country. There are still many of Wren’s

supporters at large, which still causes some contention.

Thaingor’s settlement dates back several hundred years to Gol’daran dwarves who found the region and claimed it as home. As such, Thaingor looks to Gol’dara with a sense of nostalgia and respect, despite their now differing cultures.

Selucia offers frequent trade to and from Gol’dara, and of all the neighboring countries it is Selucia with which Gol’dara holds the most positive relations. Relations have improved recently thanks to heroes who rescued the Princesses of Selucia from Robinsroost troops and helped them find safety. This allowed Princess Rose to rally troops to take back her own country.


Gol’dara has attempted several colonization efforts over the years, to varying degrees of success. Their current colonies in Nefaria offer them a supply of incoming resources, though the tensions there frequently delay or halt shipments.

Gol’dara functions primarily as an agricultural hub. Their flowing rivers and lush soils provide for frequent harvests, and the crops and livestock from Gol’dara provide for much of the surrounding regions. Many people lead a simple life, with the peaceful tranquility of Gol’dara’s agriculture providing a pleasant and reasonable living for its citizens.


With Gol’dara’s prevalence of agriculture, the harvest is widely celebrated in the country. Throughout autumn, Gol’dara celebrates with a variety of feasts and celebrations which vary from community to community. Come the winter solstice, when the harvest is complete, the longest night of the year is celebrated with the grand feast, Candlenights. This time is spent with family and friends in celebration for a year of hard work well completed.​

The birthdays, weddings, and other significant events of the ruling family are also celebrated. King Lorin’s birthday on February 27th of 821 was met with some contention. Duke Punic Von Hoffmann disallowed celebrations and this was fought back, in small ways, by many citizens who loved King Lorin.


Across the rural farms of Gol’dara, entertainment must be taken where it’s available. Archery, wrestling, and even cow-tipping are frequent pastimes. Along Gol’dara’s coast, scenic beaches and seaside towns are enjoyed by the local populace. In the country’s cultural center of Flashpoint can be found various merchants and shops, where people find products from all across Desara.

Common Sayings and Dialect

As Gol’dara is a geographic, economic, and political center of Desara, its language has become the primary language of commerce, and is even known by the simple name of Common, though because of the high diversity and trade with just about every other nation in Desara, Gol’dara quickly assimilates sayings and phrases. Dwarven technical terms, Orcish insults and curses, the sayings of Elven wise men, and just about any other colloquialism from any culture will find its way into the Gol’daran vernacular eventually.

“Falcon’s Folly” - One of the previous names of the Capitol. In reference to a previous Robinsroost prince, Falcon Swiftson, who attempted to take over the trade hub. Used to offend someone who has failed at something.

Costume Inspiration

Tabards, belt favors, and other items are often emblazoned with heraldry, though individual nation’s fashions may be spotted as well.

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