Set in the fictional world of Desara within the kingdom of Gol'dara, Alliance Las Vegas provides a fantastical live action roleplay experience focused on cultivating stories and character development. Our story follows an ongoing plot directly affected by player choices, but don't worry - newcomers are just as influential as the most veteran LARPer!
Alliance Las Vegas fosters an environment where cooperative players work towards a common goal. Whether playing a gallant fighter or a guileful politician, a cunning rogue or an illustrious sorcerer, our plot team works with you to create a unique and special adventure for you to tell through the ages.
Based out of Las Vegas, Nevada, our games run in Bunkerville, Nevada and exact site details can be found on individual event postings.
The end of season 3 was a great success and we're so grateful for the players who worked so hard to accomplish such a huge milestone! We'll be starting season 4 with a ball in August and we look forward to seeing you in person at game! Until such a time, please feel free to join us on Discord for light roleplay and community involvement, and keep an eye on our Facebook for updates.
Alliance LARP Las Vegas
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